From 1930 to 1945 America went through both WWII and the Great Depression. During this time many household items and food were rationed to America, including fabrics. Ultimately making fashion practically unaffordable for many folks. Also forcing the America’s who do have money to shop into buying locally. During this time women were encourage to reinvent mens’ suits into smart outfits since many uniforms weren’t in use. Often women would even recycle old clothing, perhaps making a pair of shorts out of a pillow case. Other women resorted to buying or trading clothes from friends and family. The style of the time was a huge difference from the 30’s flapper girl. Women fashion turned for a more softer look by using techniques like cutting on the bais. Returning the waistline to it’s natural place, creating fuller skirts that end below the knee. Matching pants or skirts suit sets were very popular during this time. Also, women started to wear long hair again, women often arranging their hair into what was called a high pompadour at the front or sides of her face, while creating u-shaped roll at the back. Bathing suits became a hot commodity, now with more styles to choice from then ever before; one and two-piece swim suits available with a variety of options. Suits with halter-tops, or other options likes shorts or skirt-like bottoms. Moreover, the fashion of this era inspires me with its pure glamorousness. I admire how this era’s fashion concentrates on accentuating a women’s hour-glass figure, with suit jackets curving in at the waistline and A-line skirts. In my opinion this era is very flattering to almost any women’s figure.